Our team of highly experienced and innovative winemakers are on call to offer expertise and assistance with your winemaking requirements.

Our winemakers not only have experience from various wine regions of Australia (including cool climate winemaking) but also extensive winemaking experience from France, Italy, Hungary, South Africa, North America and New Zealand.

Our winemaking philosophy marries tradition with innovative thinking and we continue to learn.

Viticulture is also one of our strengths when evaluating wines and winemaking.

Explore our consultant winemaking services below:

Liaising with prospective Growers with our Grower Liaison team with one of our experienced winemakers.

Bench Trials with our winemakers to achieve the desired wine style required. These wines need not be made at the Winery and could be wines brought in or just general consultation.

Wine Show Preparation of Samples after Bench Trials

Trade Show preparation of Samples after Bench Trials

All general winemaking advice

Full HACCP accreditation

Have a project in mind?
Let’s get to work.